Our Certifications

OTMP srl is certified ISO9001 by internationally recognized accreditation bodies and daily undertakes in achieving the highest quality standards both for products and services offered to customers.

Our Certifications
OTMP srl is certified ISO9001 by internationally recognized accreditation bodies and daily undertakes in achieving the highest quality standards both for products and services offered to customers.
Via Torino, 667
21020 Mercallo (Va) Italy
T. +39 0331 969009
T. +39 0331 969016
F. +39 0331 969023
Sede legale: Via Torino, 667, Mercallo (Va) | N.REA VA-345015 | Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Varese | Capitale Sociale I.v.: 30.000,00 €